NASON, Frederick G(eorge), Private
4th Dorsetshire Regiment
Killed in Action, St Julien, (France), 16 August 1917
[CWGC entry: service no. 202784; age 34; Panel 92, Tyne Cot Memorial]
NEWMAN, Frederick, Private
3rd Royal Fusiliers
Killed in Action, Loos, (France), 27 September 1915
[CWGC entry: service no. 15054; age unknown; Panel 25 to 27, Loos Memorial]
NICHOLSON, George Edgar, Rifleman
South African Mounted Rifles
South Africa, April 1918
[War memorial listing only.
CWGC entry: No matching entry]
OSBORN, Stephen H(arold) (DCM), Sergeant
1st Hertfordshire Regiment
Killed in Action, Menin Road, (France), 28 October 1917
[CWGC entry: service no. 265405; age unknown; LV. C. 24, Tyne Cot Cemetery. Entry lists name as S H Osborn]
PAGE, David, Private (/Gunner)
Royal Marine Artillery
Drowned off HMS Aboukir (Hook of Holland), 22 September 1914
[CWGC entry: service no. RMA/10386; age 30; 5, Portsmouth Naval
HMS Aboukir was torpedoed by the German submarine U-9 and sank with the
loss of 527 officers and men. Thinking that she had struck a mine, HMS
Cressy and HMS Hogue attempted to pick up survivors and were also
torpedoed. In all 62 officers and 1,397 ratings were killed in this
single action, which became a milestone in submarine warfare]
PAGE, Ernest J(ames) A(ugustus), Lance-Corporal
Royal Engineers
Killed in Action, Souchez, Arras, (France), 24 March 1917(/1918)
[CWGC entry: service no. 130687; age 22; III. D. 5, Sucrerie Cemetery, Ablain-St. Naziere. Entry lists name as Ernest James Page, and date of death as 24.03.1918]
PAGE, John C(harles) W(illiam), Private
1st Hertfordshire Regiment
Killed in Action, Delville Wood, (France), 20 July 1916
[CWGC entry: service no. 265542; age.21; XII. E. 2, Delville Wood Cemetery, Longueval]
PALLETT, John W(allace), Sergeant
Bedfordshire Regiment
Died, France, 15 April 1917
[CWGC entry: service no. 16271; age unknown; VI. D. 21, Bethune Town
Cemetery. Entry lists name as J W Pallett, and rank as 'Lance-Serjeant'
Family headstone in St Luke's Churchyard lists rank as Sergeant, and age
as 32. '...died of wounds received in action in France']
PANTER, Gordon M(alcolm), Private
1/4th London Scottish Regiment
Killed in Action, Gommecourt, (France), 1 July 1916
[CWGC entry: service no. 5311; age 19; Pier and Face 9 C and 13 C, Thiepval Memorial]
PARKER, W(illiam) Cecil, (Leading) Signalman
Royal Navy
Killed in Action, (HMS Defence) Jutland, 31 May 1916
[CWGC entry: service no. 216680; age 28; 13, Plymouth Naval Memorial.
Entry lists ranks as Leading Signalman.
HMS Defence was the flagship of Rear Admiral Sir Robert Arbuthnot. She
exploded after being hit by concentrated fire from the German fleet. All
900+ officers and crew were killed]
PARROTT, Frederick A(rthur), Private
6th Sherwood Foresters
Killed in Action, Arras, (France), 4 October 1916
[CWGC entry: service no. 5119; age 26; I. A. 2, Bellacourt Military Cemetery, Riviere. Entry lists unit as Sherwood Foresters (Notts and Derby Regiment)]
PARROTT, Herbert James, Private
Machine Gun Corps
France, July 1918
[War memorial listing only.
CWGC entry: service no. 55720; age unknown; IV. J. 1, St Vaast Post
Military Cemetery, Richebourg L'Avoue. Entry lists date of death as
PARROTT, William J(ohn), Sapper
Royal Engineers
Died, St Thomas's Hospital, 8 August (/June) 1915
[CWGC entry: service no. 86431; age 39; 1. I. 18, St Luke's Churchyard, Hatfield. Entry (and headstone) lists date of death as 08.06.1915]
PAYNE, James, Sergeant
13th Royal Berkshire Regiment
Killed in Action, France, 10 July 1916
[CWGC entry: no matching entry. There is an entry for a Sergeant James Payne, of the Rifle Brigade, killed on this date]
[End of entries on the centre panel of the Hatfield war memorial]
PEGRAM, Arthur R(obert) (H.), Rifleman (/Private)
Royal Irish Rifles
Killed in Action, Ypres, (Belgium), 11 August 1917
[CWGC entry: service no. 42174; age 19; III. E. 9, White House Cemetery, St Jean-Les-Ypres. Entry lists name as Arthur Robert Horatio Pegram, and rank as Rifleman]
PENN, Walter N(orman), Private
King's Own Royal Lancaster Regiment
Killed in Action, Bethune, (France), 24 March 1918
[CWGC entry: service no. 22677; age unknown; VI. C. 5, Gorre British and Indian Cemetery. Entry lists name as W N Penn, and date of death as 25.03.1918]
PERKINS, William J(oseph), Lance-Corporal
1st Middlesex Regiment
Killed in Action, Le Cateau, (France), 24 October 1918
[CWGC entry: service no. PS/2230; age 27; II. D. 11, Montay-Neuvilly Road Cemetery, Montay. Entry lists name as W J Perkins]
PHILLIPS, Hubert H., Lieutenant
Leicestershire Regiment
Died, Loos, (France), 4 October 1915
[CWGC entry: service no. unknown; age unknown; V. B. 20, Merville Communal Cemetery]
PLUME, Frederick W., Private
Machine Gun Corps
Killed in Action, Poelachapelle, (Belgium), 12 October 1917
[CWGC entry: service no. 71084; age 27; Panel 154 to 159 and 163A, Tyne Cot Memorial]
POLLARD, Thomas D(avid), Private
2nd Bedfordshire Regiment
Killed in Action, Loos, (France), 25 September 1915
[CWGC entry: service no. 13430; age 25; Panel 41, Loos Memorial]
POWELL, Godfrey, Corporal
Hertfordshire Regiment
Belgium, August 1918
[War memorial listing only.
CWGC entry: no matching entry. There is an entry for Corporal G Powell, 16491, of
the Machine Gun Corps, killed on 31.08.1918]
POWLEY, Leonard, Private
8th Royal Fusiliers
Killed in Action, France, 24 November 1917
[CWGC entry: service no. 69106; age unknown; Panel 3 and 4, Cambrai Memorial, Louverval]
PUTTERILL, Robert (William), Private
6th Royal Berkshire Regiment
Killed in Action, St Julien, (France), 31 July 1917
[CWGC entry: service no. 36431; age 41; Panel 45, Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial]
Rest in Peace