12 August 2009
Currently, there are no sections of this site that require you to log in or disclose any personal information. So you can browse the site without telling us who you are or revealing personal information about yourself.
Site traffic recording and analytics
Please be advised that this site will be using webmaster tools (like those provided by Google) to monitor how users navigate around the site and the pages visited in order to improve the user experience.
This may involve placing cookies (please see box) that record statistics on page views, information and statistics on traffic to and from the site (including the URL you just came from and the URL you go to next, whether they are URLs on the site or not), advertising data, IP address, browser information and standard web log information.
This information will not be sold to third parties by us. It is purely for information on how the site is being used.
Cookies are small files placed on your computer’s hard drive to enable a record of how people move through the site (and gain an idea of what they were looking for – which helps to draw up promotional plans for the site). Most cookies are temporary 'sessional' and are automatically deleted once you log off.
You can set your browser to block cookies and still be able to view the pages in this site (although some sites where you need to log in may not work properly if you keep those browser settings).
Third Party sites
There are a number of links to third party sites throughout this site. Particularly, the Francis Frith photos, Amazon links and searchboxes, and ads provided by Google. Please note: clicking on these links will take you away from this site to an external site/s. Most commercial sites run automatic traffic monitoring programs that may place cookies or web beacons (another kind of monitoring device).
If you email, mail or otherwise correspond with us then such information you may provide may be recorded on servers and other computers related to this site. This information will be kept exclusively for the management and maintenance of the site and not sold to third parties.
Future changes
As the site develops and more services and functions are added, it may be necessary to amend this policy.